Ready for a Challenge?

I am in my car all the time and while I drive I listen to NPR. Lately, there have been a lot of stories confirming what we know: Movement is the best medicine. 🥳

This week there was a story highlighting research from a neurologist who confirmed that exercise releases neurotransmitters such as dopamine, noradrenaline, and serotonin. One morning, there was a detailed overview of how creating a SMART Goal can help you stick with that New Years Resolution (Shout out to all those teachers from the early 2000s. Those endless professional developments on SMART Goals can help you get to the gym🤣.) And then today, there was a reminder that anyone can join the Body Electric’s 5 min movement challenge. Which got me thinking…

🔥 I should do a Sun Salutation Challenge. 🔥

Ok. I don’t make New Year Resolutions, but there is something valuable in affirming what you want and creating a routine to make it happen. My current affirmation is “Prioritize Myself”. Part of prioritizing myself is finding new ways to commit to the routines and practices that I know make me feel good. 

I get intense hip pain due to arthritis from femoral acetabular impingement. When I first wake up I have to crack pretty much every joint in my body with joint movements. But moving joints while brushing my teeth isn’t always enough. It’s not until I do Sun Salutations that I feel like I can walk down the stairs. 🤩 I don’t practice for long. Depending on the day I will do 1-3 rounds. However even if I only do 1 round, I am energized and can start the day pain free. Then I get into the car and go about my day. By the time I get home in the afternoon, all I can do is lay down.

Then it hit me. I should do the 5 min movement break with Sun Salutations. 😯 Maybe, multiple rounds of sun salutations throughout the day can prevent exhaustion and pain that forces me to retreat to bed after dinner. It can’t hurt to try and see what happens.

So today I started my Sun Salutation Challenge. ❤️❤️❤️

It's not an exercise challenge. It's a me challenge. It's a challenge to prioritize myself and give myself the permission to move my body in a way that feels good for me.❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥

Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) honors the sun with 12 movements that reflect the 12 positions of the sun. It is a practice that honors your energy as you move with the breath. 

Want to join me in the Sun Salutation Challenge? You can start your journey with this Wednesday's Lunchtime Learning on Spinal Movements. I will go through different variations of Sun Salutations and Twists to help you find your 5 min movement break that nourishes your body, mind and spirit. January 10th, Spinal Movements (Sun Salutations and Twists) Sign Up using Dogwood Studio’s Momence In Person at the Parlour in Chatham County or Online.

And if you want to connect to your positive heartfelt desire, join me on January 20th at 3pm for Mindful Transformation: Embracing Positive Living through Yoga Philosophy and Meditation. Sign Up using Yoga Garden’s Mindbody.


Can Yoga really make a difference with your mental well being?